madrid times

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

day 25

Literally nothing to talk about here other then i sat in all day chilling, oh and i watched "boiler room".

Now dont take this with any pinch of salt......the hell job i was in before now......"is" this movie!!!
Im talking about the sales pitch are actually quotes from the movie, i couldnt believe what i was seeing, how could someone make an actual living heavily based on a movie?

I cringed on multiple parts, the way the actor felt, the fact that the same things that were coming out of his mouth on the phone is what i thought was genius and how clever my boss is.....No. Hes not clever, he's is just a maniac who copies films into real life!!!
The guy even gets arrested!

Im begging you to rent/buy/download the film, its not particularly good, but the acting is amazing, and you actually get to relive my hell.

Went out again and even though i didnt get home till 8 am, it was a minor night not really worth commenting about.

Pictures are of around my way,my building, my swimming pool (covered for the winter) and some sun, and a couple peeps i chill with.


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