madrid times

Sunday, November 05, 2006

day 14

Quitting day.

I woke up thinking do i pack my bags and leave when everyones asleep, or tell them?
I didnt get a chance to make the decision as the house mate from last night informed the others, i knew this was bad news because they all didnt want me to leave for different reasons.

First the bulied one came in and ask why im leaving, i told him because of the 50 hours a week, the fact that i hate lying to people, im not learning Spanish which defeats the point in me being here in the first place, and i dont have the hunger for anywhere near 5 grand a month let alone 20. He parried my answer and drove in with his tips on been successful in the job which completely missed the point, he then left.

Next the house mate i went out with last night had ago, "why don't you stick it out for another, its not that bad in the second week, we all been through what your going through, you'll get used to it" i nearly buckled but stayed militant.

Next i was called into the room of the third, this one took a more sympathetic approach first saying that he sees where im coming from and that he's also be looking for another job, then he says i should stay for a month!! Mentally he was the strongest and came with some valuable points, like im sorted for a place to stay and and they wont let me go through Christmas broke, but i eventually got away back to my room.

The first one popped in and tried again by saying in theory 3 months of this job could set me up for not working for the rest of the year and blah blah but i wasn't interested.

eventually they left me alone, i tried to call the boss over and over but i couldn't get hold of him so i sat there on the internet in my room.
Half an hour later the boss, phoned and asked why im not in work and i told him i couldn't do it anymore, i expected him to what the others did but he just said ok, he didn't want to hear my explanation and said to make sure i was out of the flat before the cleaner arrives.

I grab my stuff and ran out the house to the metro, with the notion of going back to the hostel.

I was feeling weired how it all happened so fast, and if i let my former boss down but that was completely forgotten after what happened next.

It took me half hour to get from the flat to the middle of sol which is near the hostel. I was in famine so i stopped to feed at a baguette shop. I got a phone call with a withheld number, when i answered it was a house mate from work asking if it went ok with the boss,i told him what happened and that was that. I got a second phone call and picked it up thinking it was just another house mate i almost didn't answer it, but something told me to do it, and when i did it was some Spanish guy.

A long story short a guy i emailed for a job a while ago phoned me up for an interview as a teachers assistant in a primary school. I accepted and made my way to his office which luckily was in Sol and the interview went great so he gave me a shot.

Than God, happy days.

I then went to see a flat that the the guy recommended me to. I went to a place that was apparently near a my school, i went there and the reality was like trying to swallow a cactus shapped pill:

-I would live with an english teacher (living with the land lord, a major no no)
-The teacher went to bed early so no late nights.
-No people round to stay, because the room was big enough to house a double bed....thats it.
-No internet
-€400 euros a month.

I kept it in mind thinking absolute last resort.

The rest of the night i chilled met new travelers (The amazing thing about mad hostel is you get peeps from all over the world. Tonight it was Icelandic, and Norwegians, then somehow ended up in kapital again (6 floor night club)

pictures are of new room mates.


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