madrid times

Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 2

Finally get in contact with Rob my mate from uni who gave my cv in for the job. More bad news in that he hasn't moved into his new place yet and even when he does this weekend, he hasn't got a couch, and its on the outskirts of Madrid. He took me round to the office and I spoke to the lady who took over from hector :

(hector is the guy who interviewed me, but I found out a day before leaving that he's left and has not forwarded my details in getting the job)

I speak to his replacement and she said the job has been filled (The Rage kicks in).The best she can do is keep my C.V and in a couple of months she will bell me.

Naturally this is not a good enough and now im trailling Irish bars where they speak English to get a quick job.
Still no place to go so I have to stay in the hostel again so I cant find a job by tomorrow, ill have to go back to England on Sunday and Re-group and try again just before or after Christmas.

Madrid wars episode 1: A new hope.

In the space of 6 hours totally on my own from my brother, my survival skills kick to touch
Basically he goes off to meet a friend of his while returning to thembassysy to see the latest, and leaves me on my tod...Which I i would be anyway if didn't fly out with me.

First while going in and out of and internet cafe i build a suedo relationship with the owner, who takes my details and forwards it on to another internet cafe job, then I go back there, and see 2 Aussies who forward me on to another hostel called Mad hostel (Pictures of the film "Hostel" start to creep in my mind) I check it out on the net and it seems more than fine since

1: its 17 euros a night,.
2: its got free internet, wireless and actual computers.
3: it has 2 bars.
4: it does breakfast .

Im screaming and laughing thinking yay this is brilliant..Until I do a simple schoolboy error and forget that i took the street name down in my phone so it takes me 2 and a half hours to find the place.
wasn't bad though because Madrid is so beautiful you cant help but constantly smile, and the chicas.....need a moment....Its just....A. a different planet! Its like Prague in they are beyond gorgeous and classy, and even though they know it, if you approach them calmly and attempt to speak Spanish they give you so much respect that if your struggling, they ask where your from and talk English to you (if they can) Everyone's beyond helpful (if you stay off the metro) and Madrid isnt even that big if you know where your going so most of the time you can just walk!!

In my travels to find this place i must of spoke to over 20 people for directions, and went into half a dozen Spanish bars for work. I met this one girl call Anna, who after speaking to her for five minutes, found out she could speak English and shes from Germany. She tried to help me find this hostel but an old guy insisted followed him to a near hostel we did and his hostel was full but at 69 euros a night he was having a laugh anyway Io i was glad. Anna and I exchanged numbers and email and she is looking for work for me as English teacher too.

In the end I went back to the internet cafe and found out that from there, The Mad hostel was a 5 MINUTE WALK!!!!

I just laughed and thought of the long walk as a tour.

This post getting beyond long so ill create the next events in a separate post because it deserves it.


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